Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Think of carrot seed, and you may think of a sachet of tiny brown seeds purchasable from your local nursery. But carrot seed essential oil isn't derived from the common carrot –– or its seeds; instead, it's extracted from the dried seeds of the Daucus carota, a flowering biennial native to Europe and Western Asia. When distilled, these seeds produce a highly potent liquid, introducing the oil's endless benefits in a concentrated form when applied topically.

Ancient Uses of Carrot Seed

Like many popular oils, ancient civilizations used raw seeds to create elixirs they believed healed many ailments. Carrot seed isn't any different. Before carrot seed essential oil was manufactured, ancient Romans used the seeds in baths, cosmetic treatments, and teas to relieve muscle aches and soothe skin. Although the seeds weren't distilled the way they are now, the elixirs were thought to be potent enough to transfer benefits.

The modern-day distillation method enables more of the seed's nutrients to be bio-available while condensing the structure to intensify its effectiveness, giving you the best of ancient beauty remedies with modern-day science –– the result: flawless skin.

Repair Ageing Skin With Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Like other luxe anti-aging powerhouses, Carrot seed oil is a rich source of antioxidants. But, where this oil stands out is that it forms the building blocks to more youthful skin.

Extract Toxins

Carrot seed essential oil's composition is unique. The oil provides the rare benefit of extracting toxins from the skin. Like other antioxidant oils, carrot seed essential oil neutralizes damage-causing free radicals through its antioxidant composition. Carrot seed essential oil also contains Carotol, Daucene, beta-Bisabolene, and Daucol –– all of these chemicals are responsible for removing bodily toxins.

When applied topically, these chemicals begin to draw out deep-seated impurities responsible for accelerating aging.

Firm Skin

Studies have confirmed that carrot seed essential oil is a wonder at firming skin because of the compounds present in the oil. These chemical compounds draw out excess water from the skin, reducing puffiness and bloating on the face, giving you a firm and defined appearance.

Refresh Complexion

In anti-ageing, the complexion is often overlooked. But, complexion can be just as maturing as fine lines, loose skin, and wrinkles, as it reveals the weathering the skin has endured –– age spots, discolouration, and dullness all contribute to making you appear older. Carrot seed essential oil helps brighten your skin to give you a more radiant appearance.

If you want to incorporate the building blocks into your skincare routine, you should be using carrot seed essential oil. However, given its potency, the oil should always be used in a thoughtfully crafted formulation that accentuates the oils' numerous benefits to create a luxurious experience that revives and freshens your face.

At Desancto we are always looking back to the ancients for inspiration so you can,

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